Make design your competitive advantage

Take your business to the next level with powerful branding, high performing websites and communication material that engage + activate your audience.

Great Design is 

Design is most powerful 
when culturally embedded

Design adds value 
to any organisation

Design Council research has shown that, on average, every £1 invested in design results in:

4 X

net operating profit

20 X

net turnover

5 X

net exports

ICD 25Years Icon Blue Framedbig

We have been creating since 1998

At IC Design, we deliver hard working brands, powerful websites, and effective communication material to deliver transformation and growth for your team and business.

Based in London, we are a creative agency with over 25 years’ experience, working as a trusted extension to global and local marketing departments, business teams and entrepreneurs.

We're on a mission is to harness the power of design for the benefit of our clients

Get in touch to find out how we can help

  • Branding
  • Websites
  • Marketing Materials


Origen is a driving force in limestone-based direct air capture (DAC) with operations in the UK and US. Their unique patent pending technology is part of the next generation of cleantech solutions to help fight climate change. The new branding and website launched in December 2023.

  • Branding
  • Websites
  • Marketing Materials


Lendscape is the world’s leading secured finance, platform with offices in London, California, Sydney and Singapore. Their financial services customers serve over 80,000 businesses and process billions of receivables worldwide. Since 2018 we have been supporting this global financial software company to strengthen and extend the existing brand as well as supporting the marketing department with collateral for ongoing marketing initiatives.